
Parking Facilities
1. Is at least one parking space set aside or reserved, and designated by a sign, for electors with a disability?
2. If yes on #1, does this parking space allow extra space for a wheelchair to get out of or into a vehicle (total width minimum for entire parking space area: 12 feet wide)?
3. If yes on #1, does this parking space provide unobstructed access to the walkway leading to the polling place building?
4. Is the parking space for the elector with a disability located on the shortest possible accessible route to an accessible entrance to the polling place building?
5. If no accessible parking place is available, is there a passenger-loading zone at least 48 inches wide and 20 feet long and parallel to the vehicle drive up space? 5a. If there is no parking space and only a loading zone, is there a barrier-free route from such loading zone to the polling place building?
Polling Place Pathway
6. Is the route from the parking space to the entrance to the polling place building at least 36 inches wide?
7. Is there a pathway completely free of steps between the parking space (or curbside) and the entrance to the polling place building?
8. Does the pathway from the parking space to the polling place building include curb cuts or curb ramps where needed?
9. Is the pathway constructed so that there are no slopes of more than one inch in height for each foot of length (this includes any ramps)?
10. Do all the ramps, with the exception of curb ramps, have handrails?
11. Does the pathway to the polling place building have a stable, firm, slip-resistant surface, even when wet?
12. Is there signage in place that indicates the location of the nearest accessible entrance?
Polling Place Building and Polling Place
13. Is it possible to approach and enter the building, reach the voting room, vote and leave the building without climbing one or more stairs?
14. Do all ramps used by the elector in the polling place building have handrails?
15. Are all thresholds or doorsills one-half inch or less in height?
16. Is the clearance through the doorways the elector must enter at least 32 inches wide?
17. Can the door to the polling place building and all others on the route to the polling place be easily opened by an elector using a wheelchair, braces or crutches or by a person who is frail?
18. Do the polling place doors have pull down or looped handles? (Standard door knobs are not acceptable)?
19. Are corridors to the voting area at least 36 inches wide?
20. If an elevator is to be used by the elector to get to the polling place, can a person using a wheelchair enter it easily?
21. Is the elevator cab at least 4 feet by 4 feet wide?
22. Are the elevator controls reachable (at a height not to exceed 48”) from a wheelchair?
23. Are there Braille instructions and/or raised lettering/instructions on the elevator for those with visual disabilities?
24. In the polling place room, is there a barrier-free route from the entrance to the room to the voting machine or voting booth?

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