
Please enter your Keystone Login User ID and Password.

If this is your first time logging into PA Voter Services since July 11, 2019, please sign up for a new account here Keystone Login. The Department recently transitioned to a more secure account service and all users are required to create an account with Keystone Login to replace their previous account.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are a Pennsylvania resident registering for a Keystone Login account, your first name and last name must be the same first name and last name that are listed on your Pennsylvania voter registration record. (Please do not use your middle initial or name when creating your Keystone Login User ID.) If these names do not match, the system will not be able to properly link your new Keystone Login account to your Pennsylvania voter record.

For step-by-step instructions on how to create a Keystone Account, please visit our Keystone Login Resource Page.

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