Records: 1319 Items ( Showing 1 to 10 )
FilerID Number
Filer Name
Filer Type
Cycle Name
Submitted Date
Contributor Name
Contributor Type
20240065 CITIZENS FOR NADERAH GRIFFINCommitteePre-Primary 24-Hour Reporting Period Spiritual Connect RadioOthers04/09/2024200.00
20200202 GUN OWNERS OF AMERICA, INC. COMMITTEECommitteePre-Primary 24-Hour Reporting Period     
2008319 BRADFORD, MATT FRIENDS OFCommitteePre-Primary 24-Hour Reporting Period George SorosOthers04/10/20242000.00
20220022 DILLON FOR SENATECommitteePre-Primary 24-Hour Reporting Period PENNSYLVANIA BEER ALLIANCE(PA BEER WHOLESALER-PBWA)Political Committee04/11/20242000.00
20220022 DILLON FOR SENATECommitteePre-Primary 24-Hour Reporting Period PENNSYLVANIA BEER ALLIANCE(PA BEER WHOLESALER-PBWA)Political Committee04/11/20242350.00
20220022 DILLON FOR SENATECommitteePre-Primary 24-Hour Reporting Period PENNSYLVANIA BEER ALLIANCE(PA BEER WHOLESALER-PBWA)Political Committee04/12/20245000.00
20230127 FRIENDS OF MICHAEL STENDERCommitteePre-Primary 24-Hour Reporting Period PA MANUFACTURED HOUSING PACPolitical Committee04/18/2024300.00
20230252 GILL FOR PACommitteePre-Primary 24-Hour Reporting Period     
20240079 FRIENDS OF 166CommitteePre-Primary 24-Hour Reporting Period Pete FoxOthers04/10/20241000.00
20240079 FRIENDS OF 166CommitteePre-Primary 24-Hour Reporting Period Bill and Jeanne MahoneyOthers04/14/2024750.00
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7  ...     

Records: 1 Items ( Showing 1 to 1 )
FilerID Number
Filer Name
Filer Type
Cycle Name
Submitted Date
Contributor Name
Contributor Type
20240154 FRIENDS OF ERIC BEEZERCommitteePre-Election 24-Hour Reporting Period06/27/2024KYLE WAGNEROthers06/27/20245000.00

Records: 3 Items ( Showing 1 to 3 )
FilerID Number
Filer Name
Filer Type
Cycle Name
Submitted Date
Contributor Name
Contributor Type
20230163 ONE PA VICTORY PACCommittee30-Day Post-Primary     
2000143 PICKETT, TINA FRIENDS OFCommittee30-Day Post-Primary04/15/2024PA GOPPolitical Committee04/15/20244273.28
2000143 PICKETT, TINA FRIENDS OFCommittee30-Day Post-Primary04/15/2024PA GOPPolitical Committee04/15/2024981.20

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